How to get your work published

Written by Stuart Haden on July 30, 2014

When I tell people I have written a book, much of the conversation turns to how they want to write and get published. As a coach this is always an interesting twist to the story, ‘everyone has a book in them’ I often quip. If you want to get your work published you can either work hard on developing the manuscript, or you can start at the other end – the publisher. I apply a more intuitive approach to my work, so I wrote the book before going anywhere near the publishing houses.


1) finding a publisher that you really resonate with

2) being authentic, don’t just choose a publisher based on financials.

3) applying the triple bottom line principle – physical needs, emotional needs and intellectual needs

4) choosing one publisher, your desire with shine through in the proposal

5) if it doesn’t work you can choose another, but one at a time

6) taking the advice your receive with a pinch of salt.  The mere mention of getting published can lead to jealousy and sub consciously the advice that people give might not be all that well meaning.

Getting published – the myths

1) publishers won’t be interested in your personal narrative

2) you will need to self publish 1,000 copies before a publisher will be interested

3) send out lots of proposals to the main publishers

Getting published – the truths

So how come it only took me 7 days to secure a publishing deal?

1) publishers were interested in my personal narrative

2) my unique perspective was enough to gain their confidence

3) I only sent out one proposal to one publisher