The new paradigm of learning prioritises states not skills

Written by Stuart Haden on July 19, 2017

The traditional paradigm of learning is skills development. However, the emerging approach is state development. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Skills are important, but their impact has a direct correlation with your state of being. Well-being and being well. Heart, mind and spirit.

For example, picture yourself as a skilled presenter who is also enjoying the birth of a new born child. In your sleep derived stupor the potential impact with your audience may well be limited.

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Our job roles are often a case of mistaken identity

Written by Stuart Haden on July 5, 2017

Optimal performance requires identity, in work terms how do we define our role. A vision to keep us on track, a view that steers clear of activities that add little value. I once had a role as Training Officer, my most junior role in L & D. If I ever rise to the dizzy heights of CEO, I’ll have the identity presented back to me. Even roles like partner, advisor, officer and consultant still don’t cut it.

I prefer to liken

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