What can Brad Pitt and Ed Norton teach us about authenticity?

Written by Stuart Haden on August 25, 2015

Life’s lessons are all around us, many of which are present in the media as long as you are prepared to search for them. I was watching the film Fight Club (1999) the other day, if you are prepared to look beyond some quite gruesome scenes as well as stand out performances from Pitt and Norton then be prepared for a rollercoaster ride of authenticity. A quick recap of the plot reminds us that Norton (an insomniac office worker) is looking for a

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The science of flow is so compelling most people ignore it

Written by Stuart Haden on August 18, 2015

What I am going to share with you sounds too good to be true. And of course if someone responds in this way they often ignore the sound advice, compelling as it might sound. Well ladies and gentlemen the science of flow and optimal performance does sound too good to be true. But watch and read on as I present to you 3 numbers which I think can totally change the way you approach your life.


Let’s start with the bad news.

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How’s your soul?

Written by Stuart Haden on August 18, 2015

I was listening to a podcast recently where I heard this question for the first time – how’s your soul? I admit it is an odd question, a head scratcher or if you’ll excuse the pun soul searching. But given that I work with soul as one of the 5 energy sources (the others are body, heart, mind and spirit) I was was willing to hold onto the question and reflect.

The answer? Pretty good, apart from one thing. I had

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Why cold cups of tea are good for you!

Written by Stuart Haden on August 11, 2015

Have you ever made yourself a cup of tea or coffee at work only to blindly pick up the half empty vessel an hour later to be greeted by a cold cup!? If you reactions are fast your lips will quickly sense the danger at hand, a nano second slower and you’ll find yourself politely spitting your drink back into the cup or having to face up to your mistake and swallowing without a grimace. Where did the time go? What was

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Introducing – What To Do When It’s Your Turn by Seth Godin

Written by Stuart Haden on August 4, 2015

Seth Godin is a prolific writer and alternative thinker. His library of books are a sight to behold and when I heard about his new project I was hooked. What To Do When It’s Your Turn (and it’s always your turn) challenges the norm. It’s a full colour book in the form of a magazine, provoking and beautiful. And if that wasn’t enough Godin has encouraged us to consider buying multiple copies at a discounted price so that we can share

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