Goals need to be present and positive

Written by Stuart Haden on October 21, 2020

Goal setting is a well held principle. We’ve got SMART ones all over the shop. But there are two factors that are crucial, being present and being positive.

A language of presence. ING. Developing, creating, being. You are already there right now, even if there is more to do. Bringing the goal to the present moment, not some far off distant mountain top.

Then keep it positive. Additions. Stated positively.  A positive state. +++

The highs and lows of self esteem

Written by Stuart Haden on October 7, 2020

Somewhat following up from a previous posting Don’t get high on the high street, I have spotted a mis-match of the highest proportions.

The corporate world wants you to have high self esteem. So that you can be at your best. But we promote low self esteem on the high street, through advertising, branding and comms. So that we can buy products that make us feel better about ourselves.

Of course it gets interesting when many of us flip between the two very

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