Flow Trigger #3 – Immediate Feedback

Written by Stuart Haden on April 27, 2016

Our 3rd Psychological flow trigger highlights the importance of Immediate Feedback in the pursuit of flow. Feedback helps us to focus and make additions to what we are already doing. Correct our form and build on what we have already done.

The clear goals that we have set, are they taking us in the right direction? How can we improve? How can we improve now, in real time. This keeps the mind focussed, rather than searching for cryptic clues that may lead to

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Flow Trigger #2 – Clear Goals

Written by Stuart Haden on April 20, 2016

Our second flow trigger also classed as Psychological encourages us to set Clear Goals. We need to know what we are doing and crucially why. What’s the point, what’s the purpose, what does it mean?

Clarity of goal = clarity of mind. The mind can stay focussed, knowing what do do and why. Keeping us present to what is.

As Edward Abbey reminds us “Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul.” These clear goals facilitate action and boost our energy. Don’t wait

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Flow Trigger #1 – Intensely Focused Attention

Written by Stuart Haden on April 13, 2016

Hopefully you’ve read and watched some of my recent blogs that present the subtleties of optimal performance and the science of flow. The ability to optimise performance by as much as 500% (15% of the time) is mainly activated when we engineer as many of the 17 flow triggers as possible. These triggers are grouped under Psychological, Environmental, Social and Creative factors.

Our first group is Psychological and the Intensely Focused Attention trigger. Top performers have the ability to focus at all costs. Blocking

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How to foster resilience

Written by Stuart Haden on April 6, 2016

Next week I am presenting at a conference with over 250 participants who are keen to foster resilience. A few weeks ago I talked about Jane McGonigal author of SuperBetter (a revolutionary approach to getting stronger, happier, braver and more resilient) and she defines resilience as – ‘your ability to stay motivated, curious and optimistic even in the face of a challenge’. Allowing this definition to set the direction for the session I’ll introduce my resilient audience to a protagonist (role modelling excellence),

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