Introducing Mastering Coaching by Max Landsberg

Written by Stuart Haden on October 27, 2015

For years I have recommended The Tao of Coaching by Max Landsberg, it’s a great introductory text for any aspiring coach. And now it has company because Landsberg has written what will no doubt be another best seller. Mastering Coaching brings coaching right up to the present day.

Part I kicks off with chapters on neuroscience, sports psychology, positive psychology, mindfulness and experiential learning. This provides a great access point for these disciplines. Part II is packed with loads of strategies, giving coaches a well needed structure on which they can draw on. Part III brings everything together by examining different situations, allowing our coaching to be relevant and focussed.

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The Six Steps to Mastery chapter is an inspiration. If we know what optimal performance looks like and why it is important then we can start to ask – how can we perform optimally? I always cite passion as the short cut to optimal performance and flow. Landsberg writes, “with passion you may turn your dreams into mastery; without it you cannot achieve excellence”. Liking passion to our North Star he reminds us that it can “safeguard against ‘plateauing out’ at a level that will ultimately prove demotivating and destructive”.