It’s Not About The Coach 4 of 7 – when the coachee is ready…
Written by Stuart Haden on November 22, 2017
Readiness for coaching is the primary goal for my It’s Not About The Coach book, online course and workshop. Here I have taken a well known mantra and given it a coachability twist…when the coachee is ready the coach will appear.
It doesn’t matter how ready and raring to go the coach is (but of course that is vital in its own right) the coachee has to be ready also. In my own experience I have proved to be lacking in coachability at times, despite being partnered with a world class coach that I know and love today. I often see organisations who introduce coaching as part of their development programmes. They go to great lengths to train up the coaches, but rarely do they provide the coachees with the skills they need to get the most from coaching.
Coaching is often referred to as a dance. Remember this quote by Ginger Rogers and you will remember how important coachability is – “I do everything he goes, backwards, and in high heels.”