Are you problem or possibility focussed?

Written by Stuart Haden on July 1, 2020

Logical and intuitive preferences are widely recognised. The head and the heart, dichotomies at their furthest extremes. But to add in an extra layer – are you problem (logical) or possibility (intuitive) focussed?

These two come together quite quickly but there’s more. Now consider whether you are linear or non linear in your approach. So maybe using the power of 3’s we could describe…

Logical, problem, linear.

Intuitive, possibility, non linear.

What’s the fuel behind your flame?

Written by Stuart Haden on June 17, 2020

Nice little metaphor this one in the context of energy. We can all relate to fuel, in our tanks and vehicles or rockets.

If you are fuelled up there must have been a spark, and now it might strike. But how does the flame manifest? Roaring or Olympic. The impact and outcomes. Hard to touch, hot to the touch. Dial up and dial down.

Seeking the apex of optimal performance

Written by Stuart Haden on April 22, 2020

This is the third posting in relation to The Art of Fear by Kristen Ulmer. I love the way she talks about the apex, far better than my previous held words such as balance, fusion or harmony. Now I can hold a new word and world.

Angling towards a sweet spot, an apex – the best of both worlds. Two things that are both firing, at the right time and in the right place. Set and setting. A fine line maybe.

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Resistance is futile

Written by Stuart Haden on April 8, 2020

Returning to The Art of Fear by Kristen Ulmer – could resistance be the difference between entering into flow states, versus flight, flight or freeze. It’s certainly a key part of the equation that leads to optimal performance. This time high numbers count against you, Fear X resistance = flow. Low to flow.

In fact or in flow, it could be the most critical aspect of the equation. Rather than feel the fear and do it anyway. Feel the fear and do

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Introducing The Art of Fear by Kristen Ulmer

Written by Stuart Haden on March 25, 2020

Stunning book, enjoyable on the one hand whilst supportive and challenging on the other. Didn’t find a punchline, didn’t need one – not when fear is on the table. Instead a more gradual build up, with takeaways throughout.

Liked the concept of overcoming the situation, rather than overcoming fear. A subtle, yet very powerful shift. But it’s actually the resistance that you need to pay attention to.

Resistance is our deal or flow breaker, not the perhaps more evident fear. More posts

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Sell your flow, not your soul

Written by Stuart Haden on March 11, 2020


The concept of soul is hard to define. We find it all over the shop; soul…food, music and friends. It also crops up with some pertinent advice – don’t sell your soul.

Wise words indeed but that gives rise to the positively loaded question – what do you want to sell? I hold the word sell lightly, we are also talking about profile, influence, encouraging, empowering, credibility and so on.

Perhaps we need to sell our flow. Being optimal, in the zone, at

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Express yourself but whatever you do don’t enjoy yourself

Written by Stuart Haden on February 26, 2020

The concept of enjoyment is slightly misleading because it’s not always within our control. Throughout my sporting endeavours the phrase ‘go out there and enjoy yourself‘ was regularly rolled out. Problem is if you lose how do your rate enjoyment now?

Instead we need to control the controllables and express ourselves. ‘Go out there and express yourself.’ It’s down to us and might lead to enjoyment!? What’s more expression is at the route of authenticity. My definition of which is to express yourself

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The law of attraction (part 3 of 3)

Written by Stuart Haden on February 12, 2020

This posting brings together two previous postings – the biology of belief and over it and on with it. The final piece to the jigsaw is inspired by The Law of Attraction by Esther and Graham Hicks.

Their work encourages you to ask, answer and accept. Tied in to the other postings this reinforces the need to ask for a positive mindset, which is a conscious process. A very typical starting point for personal development – goals, targets and intentions. So not

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Over it and on with it (part 2 of 3)

Written by Stuart Haden on January 29, 2020

In the last blog I shared Bruce Lipton’s work on the ‘biology of belief.’ A few week’s later I was listening to an Over It & On With It podcast that looked at stepping into your full potential.

The conversation highlighted the fact that the biology of belief aka perception (and therefore the things we need coaching on) is generational. I.e. the environment that we grew up in.

Furthermore there is a payoff to our negative mindset that many of us are subconsciously attached (if

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The biology of belief (part 1 of 3)

Written by Stuart Haden on January 15, 2020

I was reading a book by Bruce Lipton (The Wisdom of Your Cells: How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology) and he picked up on one of my biggest interests – perception. Then he gave me the explanation of a lifetime. Signal + protein = behaviour. Without reaching for the textbooks here’s the ‘biology of belief…’

The signal could be a trauma or a toxin, but it’s everything we perceive in the environment around us. It’s our switch. How we respond to our environment influences the

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